Dear , I decided to write this open letter to you because of the atmosphere of utter frustration we get from newbies through our help-desk. Before continuing, please make sure you will not be interrupted during the next 5 minutes. Grab yourself a coffee or other beverage, settle in and pleeeease, for once in your life, don't just skim over this letter, but really take in what I am trying to convey to you here, because I'm going to outline just 3 steps that will guarantee your success.
Okay, are you ready?... Let's begin.
First things first, , why did you join this program? For all the ad views you will acquire over weeks and months ahead in the 25 second ad process?
You joined because of the promise of wealth right? So let's not kid each other... you are here for one reason only and that is to make money. And that is FINE, and we both can very easily make that happen here.
First; The Bad News. A Dose of Reality
Everything you saw on the sales page is true, but simply joining EasyCash4Ads will get you nowhere. The only place you will ever find money coming before work is in the dictionary. The difference here is that this system has made the work so incredibly easy, even a 12 year old would be able to follow the instructions. And if you commit to what I am about to share with you on this page, you will then be offering up at most one or two weeks of your effort in return for a lifelong payoff.
, I realize that even though we make so many resources available to help you get sign-ups, as a newbie or just someone who may have a fear of failure or success, it may very well be overwhelming to you, which is why you need to go back to basics. You need only enroll 3 of your friends, family members, or general cell phone/email contacts on or off-line.
Keep Reading . There Is a Profound Message Here...
We already established that you joined this opportunity because you want to make extra money. So don't give me a line that you don't want to approach your friends and family. Would it kill you to enroll 3 people? Don't you want them to make money too? Of course you do. Their success becomes yours and it’s a great feeling. True, it can sometimes feel a bit awkward, DO IT.
Considering the pay-off, is it really that much to ask? You say you want to make extra money, but are you prepared to do at least something in order to get it? And when all's said and done, what is the absolute worst thing that can happen? That “Something” That You Need To Do Is Right Here
The people you approach can simply say “no” but mark my words, if you commit to what I am about to share, those very same naysayers will approach you once they see how much money you are making and soon will become a whole new leg for you anyway!
The following will reveal just how little you have to do to guarantee a lifelong income and you only have to do it ONCE!! Let me repeat that: “You only have to do what I explain in this letter ONE TIME IN YOUR WHOLE LIFE!!” Yet, some people will read this letter and still think it is asking too much of them. What will it take for people to realize, the only person who can ever make a difference in your life is YOU! If you didn’t make the needed changes in your life last week, month, or year to increase your financial outlook, what is it that you can do to instill such change tonight?
In the rest of this letter I am going to outline for you:
- how to go about getting just 3 people,
- and focus on the follow-up procedure
And Then You Never Have to Do Anything E.V.E.R. again!
If you can commit to the steps below, I promise you will always have an extra income every day which will only get bigger over time, so listen up. A bold statement? No. Working members are already at $80.00 to over $140.00 per day right now, even at our extremely young existence online.
Did you know our site has a responsive design? What this means is that our site was designed with mobile devices in mind first, then desktop devices second. This effectively means you can take your mobile phone and show EasyCash4Ads to your friends and family when you go and visit them.
Do Not Take NO For an Answer!!
Tell them you want them to join under you and you won't take no for an answer. Even if EasyCash4Ads were a complete scam, nobody has ever been declared bankrupt for losing $19. Let them watch the video and if they have questions, explain to them how the system works. If need be, let them watch the video again.
If they are still stubborn-more so than curious, tell them if it does not work, you will pay back the $19 they paid to get in on the condition they repeat everything you do (which of course comes from this page). Watch in silent AWE as they join. Scared about the financial promise to them? Don’t be!! Just go do this again with their prospects! How? Keep reading while witnessing your future change in front of your eyes!
Repeat the above process until you have at least 3 people who signed up with you as the first 2 will be your qualifier sales and the third will ensure you always have spare cash lying around.
Now Comes the Really Important Part as Your Work is Not Quite Done.
Once you have signed up 3 people, it is vital that you follow up with them and make sure they commit to doing exactly what you did. Don't just phone them... go and visit them and insist they do what you did. If need be, tell them you would go with them when they go to see their friends and family and then do it. Do 3-way calls too. These bullet=proof habits bring huge conversions!
Make sure you contact them every day and insisting you go and see their friends till they too have 3 people. It is important for you to do this as human beings are funny... It seems the easier it is to make money, they less they want to do to get it, so contact them every day till they have their 3 people too. Most important of all, pleeease don't be one of those people who only assist your third (or more) sign-ups just because that is where your money is going to come from. It is important to stay in contact with the two that you left to your up line as part of your qualifying.
, if you do this, I challenge you to point out to me how the promises we made on the sales page will not soon materialize in yours (and all your invitees’) lives. Because they will! Feel free to repeat this process with additional legs beyond just your 3rd too. Your income will begin to flourish and in quick fashion beyond all of your wildest dreams.
One Last Great Habit to Instill to Assure HUGE Income For All Involved
Once you have done all of this, you only have one task left ever before you can leave the system, set it on autopilot, and let it continue to produce passive income for the rest of your life:
Follow up with each of your 3 (or more) invitees’ new members the same way!! This great leadership gesture will embed itself unto all of these new members, granting all the highest ascertainable financial rewards to everyone involved.
In This Life Fueled By Income Need, Live and Die By This Rule . . .
Stay Consistant. Do the work and the money will follow. Repeat this statement a few times then get started. It is a profound and highly applicable rule for anyone that has ever strived for a money-based livelihood or existence. Allow it to become the mainstay of your daily function and you will prosper. Guaranteed .
Commit Now & See Yourself Free
To this end, at the very bottom of this page, there is a hyper-link. All it does when you click it is add your name to a database of members who made a commitment to follow the instructions above.
Click this link to add your name to the database and know that you are pledging to yourself to give it your all. Nobody but you and I will ever know if you stuck to your promise (remember; I kind of run things on the back side so I see growth, etc. right?). But when you do Stick to this and call it your own, I want to broadcast your success soon to the masses! Deal?
To recap, you only need to perform 3 steps
- Approach friends and family members till you have 3 sign-ups (use the helpful pdfs & other resources in your dashboard!)
- Ensure the 3 people you signed up do exactly what you did
- Ensure the 3 people you signed up repeat the process while you reach out to those new members as well
I don't want to wish you success, because I know in my heart, if you do what we set out on this page, success is only a by-product
By following the link below, I promise to commit to everything Bruce told me to do on this page. I understand that any deviation will be a failure on my part. I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch, but the way Bruce explained it in his message to me here, there is also no reason for me to fail other than my own unwillingness to succeed.